FACTS 6.4.0 Release Notes
April 23, 2021
FACTS 6.4.0 is now available for official release. Please contact us regarding any questions.
The key features of this release are:
- Three new dose response models in FACTS (Staged) Core designs.
- Alternative parametrizations to Posterior Probability Quantities of Interest (QOIs) in FACTS (Staged) Core Dichotomous and Time-to-Event designs.
- The ability to run FACTS from R and to run FACTS in command-line mode on Linux (Enterprise licensees only).
In detail the new features in FACTS 6.4.0 are:
Three new dose response models have been added across all FACTS (Staged) Core designs. These new options will appear in the model selection dropdown on the Dose Response tab. The new models are as follows:
The Simple Hierarchical model – a model in which the mean responses for each of the arms in the design are drawn from a normal distribution, whose mean and variance are estimated by FACTS. The control arm can be included in the hierarchical model, or modeled separately, in which case it has its own prior mean and variance. The control arm cannot be included in this model for Time-to-Event designs.
The Simple Linear model – a linear model which assumes that the mean responses for each of the arms in the design are linear functions of the associated arm strength. In particular, the arm with the largest mean response is guaranteed to be either the largest dose or the smallest arm in this model. Note that the “2-Parameter Logistic” model in FACTS (Staged) Core Dichotomous designs has been replaced by the “Simple Linear model”. FACTS (Staged) Core Dichotomous designs making use of the 2-Parameter Logistic model will be automatically migrated to the Simple Linear model.
The Simple Hierarchical Linear model – a model which uses a linear model as a base dose-response structure but allows deviations from linearity in a manner similar to the Hierarchical Logistic dose response model. Given appropriate priors, if the data and prior distributions are consistent with linearity, the hierarchical variance parameter will be estimated to be small and the model fit will be essentially linear, but if the data is non-linear the variance parameter will be large allowing a significantly non-linear model fit.
In FACTS (Staged) Core Dichotomous and TTE designs, Posterior Probability QOIs with alternative parametrizations can be set when creating a new QOI. This can be achieved by selecting the appropriate option in the “Compare” dropdown of the QOI dialog. The options are as follows:
- For FACTS (Staged) Core Dichotomous designs, Posterior Probability QOIs comparing the log-odds ratio of the response rate for each arm against that of a given arm can now be created. Previously, only the response rates could be compared.
- For FACTS (Staged) Core TTE designs, Posterior Probability QOIs comparing the hazard rates of the response for each arm against that of a given arm can now be created. Previously, only the hazard ratios (HR) could be compared.
Enterprise FACTS licensees will now be able to access and run FACTS Core and Enrichment Design (ED) analysis models from R via an R wrapper, the output of which is an MCMC file pertaining to the model. This can be used to simulate trials that require posterior quantities that FACTS does not include (e.g., probability that a dose has a treatment effect in a certain range) or simulate trials that make decisions that FACTS does not include (e.g., sample size re-assessment).
Enterprise FACTS licensees will also now be able to run FACTS in command-line mode on Linux via a separate executable: FACTS Linux File Loader Lite (FLFLL). Mono 6.8.0+ is a pre-requisite for running FLFLL. Executing a valid FACTS design with FLFLL will generate the same results output as its Windows GUI counterpart; in particular, it will generate the simulations, summary, weeks and patients files. FLFLL can be used to automate the simulation of multiple (potentially related) FACTS designs and, more generally, can be used as a key component of a more complex trial design simulation pipeline.
The following features were also implemented in FACTS 6.4.0:
- The control arm can now be modelled separately in TTE predictor dose response models within FACTS (Staged) Core TTE designs.
- FACTS Core designs will now report the time of the stopping decision of the trial through a new simulations output column named “EarlySuccess Time”.
- FACTS now computes lower and upper frequentist CI bounds, bias and coverage at the simulation level for all design types and summarized them in the associated summary file.
- A command line option for the number of samples per imputation called “samples-per-imputation” has now been added to FACTS when run in command-line mode. This applied to FACTS (Staged) Core and ED designs.
- The analysis tab now accepts subject files with missing values for intermediate visits (denoted by -9999).
- The analysis tab in Multiple Endpoint now accepts data files when the design includes visits where none of the endpoints are observed.
- The “Interim vs Final” Scatter plot graph in the “Across Scenarios” now handles interactive selection of QOI and setting of thresholds, including the use of p-value QOIs.
- The FACTS installer will now include an option to share basic, anonymous usage and crash data with the FACTS team. This option can also be enabled/disabled by going to Setting > Options > Analytics. Any change in this area will take effect the next time FACTS is loaded. By default, FACTS will NOT collect any usage/crash data. However, we strongly encourage licensees to enable this option to help the FACTS team proactively improve the software in the areas that matter the most. We take our licensee’s data privacy and security very seriously, so do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about this feature.
- FACTS will now, by default, automatically calculate the simulation parallelization packet size based on the number of requested simulations. A manual parallelization packet size can be set instead by setting the “Parallelization packet size” checkbox on the Simulation tab. In FACTS command-line mode, the packet size is automatically set unless the user explicitly specifies the “-p” flag.
- Information about the FACTS license, namely its expiry date, is now available in Help > About.
- [Enterprise licensees only] FACTS will automatically retry any actions involving communication with the FACTS HPC server if initial communication fails (e.g., due to an intermittent connectivity). The following FACTS infrastructure changes were performed as a part of our roadmap to modernize FACTS to make use of the latest available tech stack. Please communicate the following information to your IT team as needed:
- FACTS 6.4.0 will now target .NET Framework 4.5.2. Previous versions of FACTS target .NET Framework 4. Future versions of FACTS will target the latest available .NET Framework version.
- FACTS 6.4.0 is now a 64-bit application and will be installed on the target machine’s Program Files area. Previous versions of FACTS were 32-bit applications installed on the target machine’s Program Files (x86) area. This release addresses some situations in FACTS 6.3.0 and older versions that could cause different simulation results. If any of your designs replicate these circumstances, you are recommended to upgrade to FACTS 6.4.0:
- The “Pause accrual and wait for completers if stopping rules are met” option on the Stopping Criteria tab of FACTS Dose Escalation N-CRM designs making use of open enrollment did not have the correct behavior when the option was unchecked. This is fixed in FACTS 6.4.0.
- The standard deviation (SD) of the number of subjects having observed a Cat 2 Toxicity in FACTS Dose Escalation N-CRM designs was calculated incorrectly. This is fixed in FACTS 6.4.0.
- FACTS Dose Escalation N-CRM designs simulations results differed between Windows and Linux (including Windows VMs running on top of Linux) when the Toxicity response Rho parameter was non-zero. The Linux results are now consistent with the Windows results in FACTS 6.4.0.
- FACTS (Staged) Core TTE designs with interims triggered by complete predictor data were not respecting any specified minimum information required on the number of predictor completers before an interim can be triggered. This is fixed in FACTS 6.4.0.
- FACTS (Staged) Core TTE designs with interims triggered by complete predictor data an addition interim at “full predictor data” was being simulated even if not asked for. This is fixed in FACTS 6.4.0.
- FACTS (Staged) Core TTE designs with interims in stage 2 by time, after full accrual a circumstance can arise when follow up stops prematurely and an “inconclusive” result declared. This is fixed in FACTS 6.4.0.
- FACTS Staged TTE with a predictor endpoint and stage 1 data included in stage 2, any stage 1 subjects who had not had their predictor observed by the end of stage 1 had their predictor outcome censored rather than observed in stage 2. This is fixed in FACTS 6.4.0. Finally, there are two unique situations and areas identified in FACTS 6.4.0 (and prior versions) that will be continued developed and improved in future releases:
- In FACTS Staged Design TTE, where the data inclusion is: “included where we have neither observed an event or the predictor and they are on an arm that is kept in stage 2” and stage 2 interim timings are based on “complete predictor data” and “stage 2 and included stage 1 data”, then FACTS is failing to include the included stage 1 subjects in calculating the timings of the interims in stage 2.
- In FACTS Stage Design TTE where events are censoring for predictor outcomes, this censoring is not taken into account in the timing of interims by “Predictor Complete”. Resulting in the interims being too early.